I'm blown away. Just when I thought it was impossible that I could be more surprised by the heretical activities of former priests, turns out it was only improbable. Yep, they've done it again, take a look... http://www.rentapriest.com
Feeling sick? I was when I looked at it. Actually, sitting here writing this entry, all I can do is feel really icky. That and pray out of a sense of sorrow for those poor souls who are commiting these horrible acts and those being led down the wrong path because of them. So sad. I'm not saying that a Priest shouldn't get married if they truly feel called to, I'm just saying that they should respect their vows and current state, leave the priesthood for good, and then get married. Have some respect!
They have been around for a while and the media constantly writes stories on them.
A priest in my diocese recently joined them and was subsequently excommunicated by my Bishop.
Would this be Fisher? I recently read an article on catholic.org about a "priest" named Fisher who was excommunicated.
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