Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Rear-End Witnessing

You're on the road and someone just let you over. "What a nice person," you think (hopefully), and make a mental note to let a person over sometime that day as well. Then later down the road, the friendly driver passes you and you notice a bumper sticker on the back of their vehicle. It reads, "I'm the Catholic the liberal media warned you about."

I was doing my best to find a bumper sticker online I noticed on several cars at my parish, but couldn't seem to locate it anywhere. Instead I ran into the cafepress list of stickers in their "religious" and "catholic" categories. In other words, I came across a listing of Catholic stickers made by people and posted online for sale on www.cafepress.com.

First and foremost, I was excited to see our very own bumper sticker "Friends Don't Let Friends Skip Mass" as the fourth sticker on the first page in the listing of 86 pages! What an incredible blessing (and work of technology)! Then I started to notice some of the other great stickers available. They are hillarious! Here are a few of the products I found...
Funny right? There's more, lots more! And check back here now and then for updates to the dS store! Soon we'll have t-shirts and more! You know, I see more and more rosary beads hanging in cars these days...I'm not sure if the driver always knows it's a Catholic thing, but they have them none the less. Just as I believe rosary beads hanging in your car can bring you closer to God, so can stickers, magnets, t-shirts, and buttons! Celebrate this faith, it's the fullness of truth!

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