Monday, August 07, 2006

Fighting AIDS, Catholic Style

"The Catholic Church alone provides more than a quarter of all AIDS care in the world, according to Caritas Internationalis."

I found that on, an amazing site with lots of information, news, and inspiration. Here, read it again...

"The Catholic Church alone provides more than a quarter of all AIDS care in the world, according to Caritas Internationalis."

Amazing, huh? The article on is specifically about how church organizations are more or less getting stiffed on funds from The Global Fund when they are responsible for 40% of the healthcare in Kenya and many other countries. It's shocking to know that religious groups are doing so much awesome work and not receiving a bit of help from any international funding group. At the same time, it's heart-warming to know that people are sacrificing so much to do so much with so little.

The Church provides more than 25% of all AIDS care in the world...amazing. Something tells me it was no accident that Jesus gave the keys to St. Peter. The Church is in the world and provides for it. I'm proud to be Catholic.

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