Friday, December 22, 2006

Are You Catholic-Smart? (short quiz!)

Okay, it's time to see if you're Catholic-Smart or not with our short little quiz! Sit back, relax, and then flex that brain muscle and see if you can get the right answers or not! Good luck...hope your Catechesis was everything it should have been ;)

Instructions: Keep track of your answers on a post-it or scratch sheet of paper. Once you've written down your answer for each question, click the link at the bottom labeled "See How You Did!" and compare. The questions increase in difficulty as you go along. The darker the shade of blue, the more difficult the question is. Enjoy! 5 questions await you!

1. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of God.
  • a) True
  • b) False
  • c) Kind of
2. In nomine Patris et fillii et... ?
  • a) Mater Dei
  • b) Holy Spirit
  • c) Spiritus Sancti
3. The Pope is the _____ __ ______ on earth.
  • a) Holy of Rome
  • b) Vicar of Christ
  • c) Leader and Teacher
4. Kepha, Cephas, and Petros are all Aramaic and Greek names that were applied to Peter by Christ. They also mean _______ which is used as such by Christ when He establishes Peter's primacy in the Church. "You are Kepha, and on this Kepha I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18)
  • a) cornerstone
  • b) love
  • c) rock
5. The Roman Missal was first promulgated in 1570 by who?
  • a) The Council of Missal
  • b) St. Pius V
  • c) St. Boniface
Good Luck! Now "See How You Did!" by click here! More Catholic-Smart Quizzes in the future! If you have an idea for a question or five for the next Catholic-Smart Quiz, email them to us.

1 comment:

Bryan said...

1. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of God.

* a) True - She is the mother of Jesus Christ. Jesus is God in the flesh. Therefore, she is the Mother of God.

2. In nomine Patris et fillii et... ?

* b) Holy Spirit - It's latin for "Holy Spirit", know your latin!

3. The Pope is the _____ __ ______ on earth.

* b) Vicar of Christ - "Vicar" meaning "a person who is authorized to perform the functions of another." This doesn't mean the Pope does what God does on Earth, only that his authority is give by Christ through his Papacy, like it was St. Peter.

4. Kepha, Cephas, and Petros are all Aramaic and Greek names that were applied to Peter by Christ. They also mean _______ which is used as such by Christ when He establishes Peter's primacy in the Church. "You are Kepha, and on this Kepha I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18)

* c) rock - Peter was "the rock" upon which the Church was built, hence his primacy was established.

5. The Roman Missal was first promulgated in 1570 by who?

* b) St. Pius V - That's the guy! One of the greatest fruits of the Council of Trent!