Friday, December 08, 2006

Mary Has A Little Lamb

I was riding home last night and as I turned into my neighborhood I was thinking about today, about how it's the Feast of the Immaculate Conception... and wow, I was truly touched. I was touched because I immediately had flashbacks to two years ago when I was so confused spiritually. It was at that time that a voice brought me into the Church, the voice of Mary. She was so loving, she wanted me there. And so, as I drove I wondered how people leave the Church and practice faiths and traditions that don't revere our Blessed Mother.

I couldn't see how it was possible.

That's how central and important The Blessed Virgin Mary, our spiritual mother, is to me. I can't imagine a world without her to call out to, to plea to, to hold in my heart with such love... all given to me from her son, Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. And so, Mother Mary definitely has a little lamb in me. Like so many others I flock to her for direction, and her instructions are always the same, "Do whatever he tells you." (John 2:5) Thank you Jesus for giving us your amazing mother as our own! Thank you!

Prayer to Saint Anne: Dear Saint, we know nothing about you except your name. But you gave us the Mother of God who called herself handmaid of the Lord. In your home you raised the Queen of Heaven and are rightly the model of homemakers. In your womb came to dwell the new Eve uniquely conceived without sin. Intercede for us that we too may remain free from sin. Amen. (From Patron Saint Index)

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