Monday, December 11, 2006

Movie Review: The Nativity Story

Jenny's Review:

The Nativity Story is one of the few family movies that the whole family actually enjoys. There is no "we're bringing the children to see it," only "we're all going to see it." It is entertaining, accurate (however Joseph is a little on the young side), and beautiful. The wise men were a comical highlight in the movie. Their friendly banter added levity to their role in the film.

This movie is also ideal for a date, believe it or not. Seeing this movie can bring to light that Mary and Joseph are timeless role models speaking to chastity and love, not antique myths heralding outdated ideals. The way in which Joseph gives of himself to Mary, and Mary's humble surrender to God and her husband's loving care leads the modern couple to evaluate their obedience to God's plan.

Minimum age: 8 - There are two scenes of mild, non-graphic violence related to the killing of the children in Bethlehem, and a scene of a teenage girl being taken from her parents by Roman soldiers.

Movie Rating: 5/5

Bryan's Review:

This movie is everything a Hollywood film should be and then some. Beyond the great cast, amazing scenery, and well-crafted dialogue, this film treats biblical events and situations with a true reverence. The Annunciation is handled really, really well... as are Joseph's dreams. I was a little nervous about the scenes with angels, but they were handled amazingly, as was the nativity scene, which brought tears to the eyes of several people in the theater!

This movie is intriguing, it's NOT boring (I've read people claiming it to be boring, but I haven't been so pleasantly entertained in awhile), it's funny (when appropriate) and more than anything it speaks to you. I for one have been thinking about my role as a future husband and father since last night when I saw the film. I can't put into words how inspiring it was to see Joseph's role put into film like that. I was in awe, I still am.

Minimum age: 8 - Along with what Jenny said, the birthing of both John the Baptist and Jesus show the women in quite realistic situations, this could scare or confuse your little ones a bit, but with some minor explaining it might be just fine. (*note: it's not "graphic," just facial expressions by Elizabeth and Mary. Nothing is seen, but there is some yelling)

Movie Rating: 5/5

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