Monday, April 16, 2007

Pray for Virginia Tech

I'm sitting here in Richmond, Va. only hours away from Blacksburg, Va. and I can't believe what has happened today. I simply can't believe it. In fact, I've been trying to write this article for awhile now, not able to get past the first sentence for almost 45 minutes.

This morning at Virginia Tech University, the worst school shooting in US history took place... with 22 confirmed dead (including the shooter) thus far and hopefully not more. An additional 21 were injured... alright, actually now NBC has just confirmed 31 dead and the shooter also killed himself. This is horrible!

Please pray for the families of those who have lost members. Please pray for those who have been killed or injured. And this is the hard part to swallow, but please pray for the shooter's soul. While I'm not suggesting in any way that you side with the gunman, I'm asking that you pray for his soul... that God is total mercy. We all need mercy.

Please pray for the victims of this massacre.

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