Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter and Deja Vu

One year ago this evening, Jenny and I came into the Church. She was baptized and confirmed, and I was confirmed. It was an amazing experience for both of us. And tonight, as members of the RCIA team we will watch some new friends come into the Church with the same bursting hearts and open arms that received us. It's amazing how much has changed in one year... I think this rings true for just about everyone.

It's an exciting time of year, the Triduum, ending with the holiest day on the Christian calendar, Easter. It's the day Christ rose, the day our eternal life came to be in Jesus. He defeated eternal death and now offers us a chance to overcome it through Him. Pay special attention tonight at the Easter Vigil, and don't be surprised when you get to heaven if you have a little deja vu, it's a little bit of heaven on earth every Mass, every Vigil.

God Bless, Happy Holy Saturday and Happy Easter! Christ is risen, Alleluia!

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