Monday, January 15, 2007

Saintly Logos and More

Hello everyone. Please pray for me while I update the blog layout in hopes that I don't delete anything substantial. When blogger updated to blogger beta, I figured Discerning Sainthood should make the upgrade to (for the sake of future technologies available to us bloggers). This I knew would be a painful thing because the old site template would no longer function for all of our readers. And so, after a week of tweaking things here and there, I finally decided to execute the upgrade and the new look.

I appreciate any feedback, comments, opinions, problems, etc. with the new version of the blog.

Let me know if you run into any problems with your feeds or any links. Oh, and p.s... the bearded saintly fellow in the top left is our new logo, let us know what you think. Thanks and Pax Christi!

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