Wednesday, February 20, 2008

St. Patrick's Day This Year

This year Saint Patrick's Day falls during Holy Week, so it's been moved by the Church to the 15th (Saturday). I never, ever thought that this would cause such a stir for the general population! It's seriously blowing my mind. Let's take a look at this...

1. Who's Holiday? Saint Patrick's Day is a Catholic Feast Day - therefore, the Church has the authority and right to move it. I can't believe so many non-Catholics are actually upset over the move? It's not like someone is moving Christmas! The Catholic Church is moving a Catholic holiday... can someone please explain this to me? Regardless if the holiday has become wide-spread, it's still a Catholic holiday, so why complain?

2. Beneficial Move. If nothing else, the Church has done the general public a favor by moving a beloved holiday from a Monday to a Saturday! Now people can celebrate it as much as they want for as long as they want and not wake up at 6 AM to go to work the next day. Why complain about that? If only all the fun holidays were moved to a weekend, ha ha!

Okay, I'm done. God Bless!

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