Lent, it's a wonderful liturgical season. It's a time for repentance, observance and reflection... all things that bring us closer to God. So why then am I cringing this year? My observance of how others lived Lent last year has for whatever reason made me all but loathe it this year.
Last year I witnessed several people, and by several I don't mean two or three... I mean more like ten people living Lent as gloomy, "solemn" souls witheringly crawling their way through the season. I can't help but think that such people haven't read their Bible lately...
When you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites. They neglect their appearance, so that they may appear to others to be fasting. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you may not appear to be fasting, except to your Father who is hidden. And your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you. (Matthew Chapter 6)
In these words from Christ Himself, he speaks directly to fasting (a Lenten observance), but I'd venture to say these words also speak directly to spiritual living. When we fast or when we seek reflection and repentance, Christ doesn't want us to frown for the sake of others knowing we are seeking such things. It's hypocritical of us to do so. We are supposed to smile, knowing that the Father, who gives us the ultimate reward knows of our sacrifice and our observance.
Am I suggesting that you shouldn't be solemn during Lent? No. Solemnity has it's place in all liturgical seasons, especially during Lent. The place and time is in Mass and during private reflection times (setting up a prayer corner in your house, going to a secluded park for meditation, etc.). Walking around appearing gloomy all the time is not appropriate solemnity.
Last year I witnessed a similar scenario to the following several times...
"Oh hello Jane Doe, how are you?"
"Uh... yeah, doing okay, considering it's Lent and all."
In great Socratic method, I need to respond to that with a question... "What is there to consider?" Seriously... what is there to consider about Lent that wouldn't allow you to be doing "fine" or "great" as opposed to "yeah, doing okay, considering it's Lent and all."
Lent is a beautiful season, a season of fasting for 40 days before Easter. It's a preparatory season, similar to advent, but fundamentally different because of the scriptural ambit (range) in which it takes place. During Lent we meditate on the 40 days Christ was in the desert, and therefore on the trials and tribulations we undergo as sinners. Is it a time of internal reflection and hopefully self-awareness? Absolutely, but that is an inner-struggle.
We must make sure to not wear long faces like the hypocrites do, as Christ instructs us no to. During Lent this year, I plan on concentrating largely on reflection, dedicating myself to writing for this blog more often than normal in an effort to better understand my thoughts and prayers. As for smiling and being happy? Yes, I'm going to do that as much as possible, because God made this wonderful world for us and I'm going to take him up on his offer and smile when I think of Him and his awesomeness.