Monday, November 06, 2006

Vote YES for Marriage

Tomorrow is a BIG day in the state of Virginia. It's election day and a huge thing on the ballet is the Marriage Amendment which will define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. It will also go on to discourage co-habitation since common law marriage is not recognized in the state. I'll be honest, I'm quite nervous at the outcome of the voting. And I have to ask myself, why is it that ignorance of God can run so rampant that I have to be worried about something as fundamental and natural as marriage between a man and a woman?

God instituted marriage. It was one of the first things He did in the book of Genesis. He created Eve for Adam, that they may become one union and as Saint Paul puts it, "one flesh." So why is it that human beings and institutions feel they can ignore God to the point of establishing "unions" between a man and another man or two women as equal to real marriage or even valid at all. I take a step back and look at it from a long-ranged scope and what I see is yet another huge failure by the human race to respect that which God has given us. He gave us marriage.

I might hear "it doesn't affect you if two men get married, so why do you care?", but what someone who might say that doesn't understand is that it does in fact affect me. It affects all of us. When we sin we sin not only against God, but against his creation, against all of us. That's why we confess to eachother, that's why we ask eachother to forgive one another and to pray for one another. If this ammendment doesn't go through, Virginia is one step closer to allowing gay marriage. And that concerns me very greatly because it directly affects me in a very spiritual and very real way.

If you're reading this and you live in the state of Virginia, please make sure to vote tomorrow (Tuesday). If for nothing else, vote to ammend the state's definition of marriage, vote Yes to make sure it says "marriage is between and man and a woman." If you'd like to know more, visit

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