Friday, October 13, 2006

White Hats Repel Muslim eAttack

In the world of computer hacking, the hackers employed by corporations and organizations as Security Consultants are referred to as "White Hat Hackers". And just earlier this week when Muslim hackers planned and attempted an attack on the Vatican website, White Hats were the papal line of defense. And defend they did, repelling the attack which caused absolutely no damage or significant slow-down to the website, according to the ANSA news service. According to the report, the attack was to be a "denial of service" attack, where the Vatican site would be overloaded with visitors and be forced to shut down.

Apparently this was found to have been planned on a Muslim website where it was stated that the attack was to get back at Pope Benedict XVI for his comments in Germany "against Islam". If you ask me, ridiculous. I found this story here at Catholic World News. They make no mention of the term "white hats", but I decided to use it instead of "computer-security experts". Why attack the Vatican website? That's makes absolutely no sense at all.

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