* American Life League (ALL)
* Americans United for Life (AUL)
* Christian Coalition
* Concerned Women for America (CWA)
* Eagle Forum
* Family Research Council (FRC)
* Feminists for Life of America (FFL)
* Focus on the Family
* Human Life International (HLI)
* Life Dynamics Incorporated (LDI)
* Missionaries to the Preborn
* National Right to Life Committee (NRLC)
* Operation Save America (formerly known as Operation Rescue)
* Pro-Life Action League (PLAL)
* STOPP International, aka STOPP Planned Parenthood
Yes, you read that right. Apparently if you are a Pro-life organization, then you pose a terrorist thread to the "right to choose." In fact, these organizations are referred to as "anti-choice" organizations by Planned Parenthood. Let’s think about this for a moment..
Since when is it "right" for someone to commit murder? In general, society tends to find killing "justified" in cases of war, capital punishment, and.. abortion? Does that even make sense? I'm not going to delve into the topic of death-sentences or waging war, but I will bring up abortion and pose a question to everyone, why? Why is it "okay" to kill unborn babies? Why is it okay to avoid responsibility by taking a life? Since when is that "okay?"
The answer = it isn't.
I believe in a God of perfect justice and mercy. He is above and beyond my understanding, so I won't pretend to understand what His justice means and what His limits on mercy (if He has limits) are. But I will say that if it's as easy to go to hell as some people have claimed, then the devil’s backyard is and will be overflowing with abortionists. I do not, nor will I ever, agree with abortion as a "right" or justified "choice." I'm sorry, but murder simply isn't a right we have.
If you visit the Planned Parenthood page and look at the "anti-choice organization" bios, you'll find a list of "opposed to" and "supports" for each organization. I find it hilarious some of the things PP tries to finger when it comes to their propaganda. Once you see them list things like the ALL supporting "fasting" and "abstinence until marriage" you get a feeling that PP is simply against any moral code that doesn't allow a person to do whatever they want. They also takes stabs at intervention by saying that the ALL takes part in ""sidewalk counseling" — harassment of clients at women's health clinics speakers' bureau". I'm not saying that a member of the ALL has never harassed anyone outside of an abortion clinic, but if someone reminding you that you are about to kill your own child is harassment, then you must live in fantasyland.
And that's apparently where Planned Parenthood operates, in a land where murder isn't a word when it comes to defenseless, innocent babies. Interestingly enough, I bet there isn't a Planned Parenthood spokesman that would speak out in support of the holocaust of Nazi Germany. It's ironic since late-term abortions involve injecting saline (as one method). Yes, you heard me right, saline, a poisonous-salt solution that burns the baby alive in about an hour. Yes, the Nazis may be gone, but apparently the practice of burning people alive isn't.
On a blog titled Big Blue Wave, a documentation of 3 late-term abortion methods have been documented. This was one of them..
Saline injection, aka salt poisoning. A long needle with poisonous salt solution is inserted through the mother's abdomen into the amniotic sac. The baby swallows it and therefore dies. The solution also burns the skin, in effect, burning the fetus. It takes about an hour for the fetus to die. So he has to go through an agonizing death. The mother gives birth to the dead baby a day later, although sometimes the baby survives that horrible experience. Sometimes the babies are left unattended to die. Sssh, no one issue a birth certificate and no one will ever know...
It makes me sick to think that probably the darkest evil humans can do is legal in this country. Americans tend to think they are "above" the third world nations, who suffer from genocide and constant violence, but look at what the "civilized" world is doing.. killing unborn children, labeling it "women's rights." What kind of woman wants the right to kill their own child? A monster! That's what kind. I won't sugar-coat it, I'm sorry, I won't...if you have an abortion I know it's painful and often depressing, and I feel for you and believe you should seek counseling. But to be honest, you should never have had one, and if you're thinking about it, stop. That baby inside you, it loves you. I know that may sound odd and campy, but it's true.
You don't have to have a religious fiber in your body to know that killing an unborn child is wrong. Does it feel right? Of course not! Anyone who says it's natural and right is a delusional monster. You claim Sadam is a monster for killing all those people? Let’s put the Planned Parenthood people on trial. Then again, they'll get their judgment one day, by the ultimate judge. And their hands will be red with the blood of infants, thousands of infants.
I know some people may say, "but you're a guy, you can't possibly understand." I say to those people, "stop talking and listen." I don't have to be a woman to understand that killing an unborn baby is murder. Just like I don't have to be a criminal to know that raping and murdering someone is wrong. Women and abortion-supporters need to stop thinking that it's their "right" to kill a baby. It's not about rights, it's about human dignity. It's about life and their baby's RIGHT to live it. I'm not suggesting that these people be parents, I'd argue against it if it was my place to do so (and it isn't), but adoption is such a great option. Some would argue against it saying that kids grow up in "group homes", etc. I'm not saying the process is perfect, but I can't push enough the fact that those babies are at least a live to grow up.
The tears of babies in heaven fill the oceans on earth. My tears unite with their's in prayer for a stop to the legal-"right" to abortion. Amen.
I just would like to add that saline abortions are less and less common. In fact, partial birth abortion was developed in order to stop doing them, because there was one "minor" complications"-- babies survived saline abortions too often. So abortionists were trying to become more effective. The most common kind of 2nd trimester abortion is D and E, which involves dismembering the baby inside the womb. Yeah, that's way more humane (sarcasm).
Hi Melody, I'm sorry for any words that I might have published that upset you, but in no way was I saying that healing can't be found within the Church or isn't often found. In fact, I've heard numerous testimonies from people who have found such healing. I apologize if you felt that I was attacking all women who have them because I was not at all.
At the same time, I will not for one moment go back on anything I've published that I believe in. If my tone was "too harsh," I apologize, but my amazement of the fact that Planned Parenthood is so manipulative and abortion doctors so vicious goes far beyond my tone in this entry.
Feeling one has no choice is not something every person getting an abortion feels. I know you aren't necessarily saying that, and good, because in that case this blog entry wasn't for you on many levels. I've known people who have had abortions for the simply reason that the baby inside them didn't arrive at a "good time for them." Those people need a lot more than I've given through this blog to see the error of their ways.
I pray for an end to the culture of death permeating our society and hope that all victims of abortion (both women, men, and the unborn) find the healing that is Christ.
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