Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sean Taylor dies

I know you're probably wondering why I'm writing about this on Discerning Sainthood, after all, Sean Taylor wasn't Catholic (that I know of). The fact is, I'm a big Redskins fan and this is definitely a day of mourning for all Redskins fans. He was one awesome football player, a joy to watch and only 24 years old. From ESPN...

"His father called and said he was with Christ and he cried and thanked me," said Sharpstein, Taylor's former lawyer. "It's a tremendously sad and unnecessary event. He was a wonderful, humble, talented young man, and had a huge life in front of him. Obviously God had other plans."

God bless his family and friends, the Skins organizations and all the players. Sean, you were a pleasure to watch and you'll be greatly, greatly missed. Please take time today to pray for his soul and his family.

Thank you.

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